Outsourced Product Development

Your vision, our skill

You have an idea for a product, envisioned all that it will encompass and are looking for the right minds to team up with to build and get your product on the market. There are many companies out there you can work with to develop your idea but how do you choose the one best suited to your needs?

At Congruent Global, we approach the development of our clients’ vision as if it were our own. We endeavour to understand your business need, and coupled with the expertise of our tech teams help you convert what you have envisioned into tangible reality. Guided by experienced architects, our tech task force comprises of development engineers from a healthy mix of proprietary and latest open source software capabilities. The ‘force’ works closely with a team of business analysts who will ensure that your business need is translated into specs for the developer.

The task force also comprises of an independent professional software testing unit which works with relentless motivation to find ways to break a system which in turn motivates our developers to keep delivering quality output, every time. The independent testing unit also specializes in automating testing suites, and testing for system load, performance and security. We’re obsessed with quality like that!



Your vision, our skill

Every project has its individual needs and demands. Development strategy, which is crucial to any product’s success, depends on various factors like immediate short term and long term targets, prioritization of functionality, security, performance, scalability, usability, choice of the right technology stack, right recommendations on hardware, choice of the most optimal development lifecycle, quality assurance, budget and tight control over the overall process.

They say Agile is the new black; and we have a number of projects built on the back of an Agile development lifecycle. The development lifecycle you choose for your product will be crucial to its success. While Agile isn’t the only lifecycle in the industry, we will take your business goals into consideration and recommend the best strategy to go with.



Your vision, our skill

Offloading a major responsibility to someone else can cause a little anxiety, especially if you’re building a major product which is crucial to your success. At Congruent Global we ensure that clients are kept abreast of proceedings, development progressand challenges through weekly or daily status update meetings, WIP Demos, Emails, Phone calls and approved IMs. We will actively keep you posted and on the same page with respect to how your product is shaping up!



Your vision, our skill

The product we build for you will go through intense rounds of manual and automated testing, courtesy of our independent testing team. Testers from a pool of skilled test engineers will be dedicated to the project team, and ensure that development is free of defects at every stage. The product delivered to you will be verified and cleared by this testing unit.

Do visit the Testing details page to learn more about our testing unit and practices.

Technology ecosystems are changing - FAST


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